Saturday, February 4, 2012

Being Bored is Bad....

How I wish the sewing bug would bite me. I have been collecting fabrics and hats and shoes and gloves and jewelry and fun stuff for a while to create outfits and all they are doing is sitting on boxes marked, "Ruth's Butter Yellow Tea Suit", "Mom's Sailor Suit", "Mom's Bengal Lounge Suit", etc, etc. I have about 9 dresses in the creating process and absolutely NO desire to create! I even got my beloved serger back from the doctor's office today and there it sits. Alone...collecting dust. I have 3 hats that have to be made for a friend, a sock monkey for my cousin, and 4 ugly dolls for children. And still my body refuses to sew! UGH!!!! Where oh where is the sewing bug?

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