Monday, December 19, 2011

And So Begins the Writing Down of Ideas!

Ok, memo taking time. Love this wool plaid, dupioni silk and velvet in copper. I think I have finally decided on a design (Thank you for sharing Josie!!) that will be able to employ all three textures.

Using the image on the left (yes, the one that looks like the lady is wearing bunny ears...)I believe the underskirt will be the velvet with the cut out panel on her right side being the plaid. The overskirt and bodice needs to be the dupioni with the bolero jacket in the velvet once again. Then the lining of the collar the plaid. I will have to ponder this a while, but I am really liking this idea. I'll have to look for some braiding in copper and then use self covering buttons for the buttons...We'll see how long this idea lasts! hahahahahaha!!!