Friday, December 16, 2011

Ah I am again!

Well, hopefully this time I can actually keep this up! Teehee...I actually wish to do this blog so that I can keep track of my ideas, designs, notes, thoughts, and images where I can read from them and possibly learn from them! I have tons and tons of photo files on my computer, ideas for dresses I wish to make, fabrics, goo gaws, and things like that. But I don't have any notes on them! The notes are in my head, which as some of you very well know, that is a very dangerous place for things to live! They tend to get lost or relegated to the place I like to call, the land of Forgetdom. Not a good place for ideas to reside. Why? Because I am 40 and forgetful! So, I do believe I shall enjoy writing down and putting to computer if not print my ideas for dresses, hats, patterns, fabrics, trims and other things. Yes, I think this will do nicely!

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